Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Growth Vs Environment

Economic growth is our overriding priority, there is no doubt that we have to grow at 8 to 9 % a year, but not at the cost of the environment, not at the cost of the nature,not at the cost of our forests, mountains, rivers and land. So, we have to find that balance between environment and development. So far we have focused on the fiscal aspect of economic growth. Now, we have to think about the environmental aspects of our growth,' said environment minister and chief climate change negotiator Jairam Ramesh in an interview to Time.
In an report published by Goldman Sachs in 2006 called as Why the BRICs dream wont be green, it is mentioned that balancing economic development with environment protection is already- and will remain- a major challenge to the BRIC dream.
Urbanization, industrialization and intensive agriculture means that pressures on the environment are unlikely to abate for decades.
This report also says that there will be a trade off between bio- diversity and wealth. Bio-diversity is a critical aspect of environmental sustainability. Well managed ecosystem contribute to poverty alleviation and a sustainable environment. Although industrialization tends to achieved at the expense of the environment, the trade off between growth and the environment becomes more balanced as countries grow richer.The issue of economic growth versus environmental conservation can also be seen as developed countries vs developing ones. Industrial countries such as the USA and Germany have depended upon polluting industries for their wealth. Now they fear that uncontrolled economic development in the Third World will lead to environmental disaster. They point out that massive clearing of tropical rainforest for farming threatens biodiversity and may affect the global climate.
Jairam ramesh says that, We cannot have blind economic growth. We must have economic growth that is sensitive to the concerns of people. There are lots of issues on land acquisition and environment. Environment today in India is becoming a serious public health issue and is not anymore a middle class, elitist pastime. So, we have to listen to the people. There has been no bigger champion of the Indian private sector than me. Long before economic reforms and liberalization became fashionable in India, from the early 80s, I have been advocating that we must privatize, bring in the private sector, redefine the role of the government, and so on and so forth.
He said that charting a green path for India was challenging. 'Challenging, yes, even thankless, but not frustrating. I make one decision and the environmentalists are very happy, but the growth guys are unhappy; then I take another decision and the growth guys are very happy, the environmentalists are very unhappy. I cannot please everybody,' said Ramesh.
So as Mr. Ramesh pointed out that keeping both the grwoth guys as well as environmentalists is not possible, it would be a difficult task for India to maintain a balance between the two as both these are important for a developing country like India.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Why Indian roads are filthy?

The answer to above question is very simple. Its because we the Indians love our streets being dirty. Which are more common in Indian roads?

1. One person putting garbages on the sideways.
2. Another person spitting on the road.
3. Some unknown person peeing in dark alleys.

The answer would be all these are common things you are going to notice in Indian roads.But we are no more a third world country. We are a developing country and on the verge of becoming a superpower( The whole world is saying so) But when it comes to infrastructure these above things are coming into mind. So cant we change anything. If you are going to ask this question only one reply will come that is, its the job of the government. we are common men. We can not change. So we will make our filthy roads more filthier. The government will come and change everything. But I am changing. The next time i am eating some chocolate, i am not throwing the wrapper on the road but puts it in my pocket. If I am not able to locate any dustbin then just keeps the wrapper in my pocket as long as i keep it( most of the time it ends in the washing machine as i forget to throw them in the dustbin). But I am not putting any dirt on the streets. when i was in CSREM we were more conscious about cleanliness. But in Praxis, they just throw the garbages around the hostel building. The hostel building is near a swamp.So just guess how much mosquitoes will be taking birth there to spread malaria.May be the people in this college still have not gone through the wikileaks documents. here are some of the documents,Malaria factsChildren and malariamalaria in England in the little ice agepregnancy and malaria. So cant we change ourselves a little. Just dont spit on the road after taking your paan or just dont throw the garbages on the street. In case of peeing there is no substitute, but if a pay toilet is there, just use it. I am damn sure its not expensive. The picture below is of Dharamtala, Kolkata. All these are result of a rally. You can only see the plastic cups and plates. We were coming back from Esplanade and just took some pictures. If the politicians dont acre about roads, then its useless to depend upon them. So be the change.

post rally garbage

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to bring change?

(Abstract: If you want to bring change, then first change yourself. But if you want a greater change to arrive in this world, then change the future generations, i.e., Children. Geting rid of the filthy streets is a bigger problem as our existing mindset does want clean roads. So what we need is to change the mindset of the future generations.)

When one think of one idea to change the littering behaviour of Indians, it seems imposiible, as for generations we have learned how to throw the garbages on the streets, spitting on the sideways, and urinating on the back-alleys. Even if we are implementing some actions to change this behaviour, it will be short term. There is a great story about an Indian who never spit on the streets in Singapore, But dont do the same when comes to India. So what can be derived from this is that we dont care about the streets of our country. If it is dirty, then let it be dirty.

But there is another way which can drastically change this ugliness of Indians,i.e., change the future generations. And the future generations are children studying in schools, colleges. If you are thinking how? Then the answer is to include children in all your campaigns. Some of the ideas as how to include children are listed below,
  1. Made MoUs with as many schools as possible to clean the surrounding areas.
  2. Made the cleaning campaigns a weekly affair.
  3. Go to the schools and make presentations on how dirty the Indian streets are and inspire the teachers as well as the students as how they can bring change not only in their neighbourhood, but in entire India.
  4. When hundred children and other people are cleaning the streets, then people will notice it.
  5. Include the parents if possible as they can oppose their children cleaning the streets.
  6. Communicate the message that, one day of cleanliness campaign in a week wont harm their studies.
  7. Children love to skip classes, as they need more practicality in their studies, so they will not be a problem. The only problem you are going to face is from parents and teachers. So make a clear plan before approaching the schools.
  8. You can also approach like minded influential people in some communities as they can really bring greater changes and at the same time inspire the children.
  9. If schools are not allowing children to get out of the school to participate in these events, then organize clean the campus campaigns within the school.
  10. When you are talking with the children, then make comaparisons of Indian streets with streets of developed countries or even China. This will infuse a patriotic feeling within them. And You guys know how powerful this is( i.e., the quintessential cricket match and patriotic feeling)
  11. Even if the first few days will be hard, never stop as people takes more time to think about a better cause than an idiotic cause.
  12. For this you dont need so much funds as support from children, parents, schools and colleges will be important not money.
You can find thousands of methods to clean the streets, but to change an entire generation, it will take time, courage and patience. Another important characterstic of ugly Indians is that, they dont have patience. And it is patience that can change the world. So if you really want to change us, then change our future generations. We the adults will definitely follow them without getting offended.